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  Santiago Echeverry

secheverry at ut.edu || CAS Annex 112 || 813.257.3769 || Office hours by appointment only


Section J || M-W • 4:00-5:50PM || CB 132 + CB 133 BLACK BOX

Course Description

Multi-Media and Installation Art is a studio course that introduces students to contemporary multi-media and installation art through both the study of the cutting edge practitioners within the field, and through the production of artwork. More specifically, the course provides students with an in-depth study of the development of multi-media art and also teaches the tools for the production of such works. Modes of production covered include mapping and live mixing of video, audio installations, electronic performance and hybrid combinations of the above modes incorporating sculpture and other media.

Process and Strategy

The class will study 3 distinct areas:
• Non-linear and fragmented narration
• Video mapping using MadMapper and other available tools, pre-composing videos in Premiere/After Effects
• Real time video mixing using Modul8 and other available tools to be used in MadMapper

The class will be a permanent experimental workshop geared towards the production of three main projects and a final installatation ( that can incorporate a performance art component, and can be site specific )

Readings / assignments / requirements

Create your site or your own blog for the class using blogger.com. In these blogs you will be posting records, pictures and comments of your projects. Your blogs will be the equivalent of your journal for the class. They will need to be updated before the following class and they will be graded.

If you are referencing an artist in your research, POST a direct reference to their work in your projects, as well as any bibliographic/video links you consider necessary to avoid being accused of plagiarism.

You can post anything you want on yoursites/ blogs, be aware that these sites/blogs will be public and accessible to everyone in the class and the world.

Make sure you check and empty your ut web-mail account regularly. We will use Blackboard permanently to post the grades, assignments and to communicate with the entire class.

Short readings will be distributed throughout the semester. Most of the information will be provided by the professor or will be found freely online. Critiques will frequently be initiated from various topics covered in the readings. In order to participate effectively you will need to have read the required texts and be able to articulate your responses to them within the context of class discussion and critique. We will watch PLENTY of excerpts from movies and documentaries during and outside class that will also be considered as part of the material for the course.


There will be several projects throughout the course, including papers, assignments, take home exams, and others. Each one of them will be a part of the final 60% of the grade in equal weights. The final project will count towards the remaining 40% of your final grade. If necessary I will do some pop quizzes, depending on the students' participation and motivation, and depending on how certain sessions work, I might add an extra work not listed in the syllabus.
The grades posted on Blackboard may not reflect the final grade on SpartanWeb

Possible last-minute changes

Although unlikely, it is possible that last-minute changes might be made to the dates for all assignments or class meetings, excepting only the final exam. In this unlikely event, I'll make all possible efforts to inform students with sufficient lead-time.

I reserve the right to modify this syllabus for any reason at any time.

Section J  
Covington, Harrison DIG SR
Graves, Jana DIG SR
Hopkins, Benjamin DIG SR
Hughes, Hannah DIG SR
Marsh, Tony NMP SR
Rodriguez, Kayden DIG SR
Shultz, Emily DIG SR
Yu, Rebecca DIG JR