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ART310 | Advanced Digital Arts| Spring 07 | PRE-REQUISITE: ART210 / COM 241

Section G | M - W | 1:00PM - 3:20 PM
CAS 123 | 01/16/07 - 05/06/07

secheverry at | BAS 131 | 813 - 253 3333 x 3769
Office hours by appointment only

Course Description

ART310 is a studio/performance oriented course. It is a continued exploration of Interactive Media, Software and Programming with emphasis on the creative and experimental use of available tools. Interactive time based media will be the focus of the class,

We will use Flash and Actionscript/Javascript to define interactivity, and the basics of advanced programming, as well as Quicktime, Audacity and other digital time based tools.

Process and Strategy

The class will be divided into two main areas. The first part will be devoted to understanding the basics of Vector Linear Animation, digital audio and digital video integrated via Flash.

The second part will be devoted to understanding Interactivity, Computing, non-linear thinking, non-linear narration, story-boarding and pre-production of interactive media. On the programming side, we will use Actionscript to understand the general notions of programming languages such as variables, arrays, functions and object oriented creations.

Readings / assignments / requirements

Digital Multimedia - Nigel and Jenny Chapman, Wiley - 2nd Edition

Activate your utweb server space. Make sure you empty your ut webmail account regularly. We will use Blackboard permanently to post the grades and communicate.

Short readings will be distributed throughout the semester. Most of the information will be provided by the teacher or will be found freely online. Critiques will frequently be initiated from various topics covered in the readings. In order to participate effectively you will need to have read the required texts and be able to articulate your responses to them within the context of class discussion and critique. We will watch plenty of excerpts from movies and documentaries during the class that will also be considered as part of the material for the class.

Get plenty of blank CD-R, you will be using them permanently over the semester. You can also use your own portable hard-drives or iPods, and JumpDrives such as Sandisk or others in case you have any, to store your art work.


There will be several projects throughout the course, including papers, assignments, quizes and others. Each one of them will be a part of the final 85% of the grade. If necessary I will do some pop quizes, depending on the students' participation and motivation, and depending on how certain classes work, I might add an extra work not listed in the syllabus. The final project will count for 15% of the final grade.

A 4.0 100 > 95
AB 3.5 94 > 90
B 3.0 89 > 85
BC 2.5 84 > 80
C 2.0 79 > 75
CD 1.5 74 > 70
D 1.0 69 > 60
F 00 59 > 00

Possible last-minute changes

Although unlikely, it is possible that last-minute changes might be made to the dates for all assignments or class meetings, excepting only the final exam. In this unlikely event, I'll make all possible efforts to inform students with sufficient lead-time.

I reserve the right to modify this syllabus for any reason at any time.

Name   Cl Major
Andrade, David R. YouTube SR ART
Boehringer, Blake J. YouTube SR DIG
Browne, Justin R. YouTube FR ADV
Czarnecki, Julia A. YouTube JR GD
Engster, Amy K. YouTube JR COM
Griggs, Cheriana C. YouTube SR EMAT
Harter, Timothy D. YouTube SO EMAT
Kelliher, Matthew C. YouTube JR DIG
Maldonado, Ines E. YouTube SR GD
Marquardt, Amelia M. YouTube SO ADV
Marrone, Lauren YouTube SO INT
Masters, Sarah M. YouTube SR EMAT
Perttunen, Laura J. YouTube SO EMAT
Salomone, Tara YouTube SR DIG
Wyman, Michelle L. YouTube JR GD