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ART 210 | Beginning Digital Arts

Fall 2013
MO/WE // Section J • 4:00-5:50PM // CB 126

Summer 2 - 2013

TU/TR  // Section A1 • 1:00-5:10PM // Section E1 • 6:00-10:10PM // CB 134

TOPICS Description   Assignments
I / 0
Syllabus, goals of the class, required readings, general presentation and statistics of the students.

Binary code / ASCII table (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) / Ascii and HTML

Realistic imaging Vs. vectorial creation. Software and Hardware evolution, debugging. GUI guidebookgallery.org, MAC OS. 1984 ASCII ART CGI / Personal computer milestones
Chuck Csuri #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 // ASCII art (http://www.chris.com/ascii)


ASCII ANIMATION: http://www.asciimation.co.nz/

• Go to blogger.com and create your own BLOG for this class. Post your first feelings of the class, who you are, describe yourself and what you expect from this class

• Send me an email BEFORE THE FOLLOWING CLASS from your personal UT email account, letting me know the url of your blog.

#1 CANVAS Using any text editor, create a landscape or a portrait - it can be totally experimental - using the HTML5 CANVAS. It must contain AT LEAST 10 shapes, including bézier and quadratic curves.

TextWrangler editor for Mac // Komodo Edit for PC

canvas code to copy / canvas function / reference

Vector shapes, implications for design, Adobe Illustrator, resolution free, tools, layers, compatibility. Filters, advanced tools. Notions of basic design, corporate image. Typography, Fonts, choice of faces. Dealing with printers, pantone colors, universal formats. Inkscape Open Source alternative

Explore: History of AI
Atomic Illustrator 1 / Advanced Illustrator / http://tv.adobe.com/

Free brushes #1 // #2 // #3

Learning Illustrator CS and LYNDA.COM CC + CC
/ Paths / Blob brush #2 / Pen tool #2 / Pathfinder / Shape builder / Swirl / Swirl 2 / 3D Logo / 3D Logo 2 / Clipping mask /

Mesh tool / Self Mesh / Live trace #2 / Mesh Tutorial /

Scanner Darkly #2 / Waking Life #2 / Renaissance / Molotov / Pinup / Lichtenstein /
Propaganda from Russia / WWII American Posters // Yusaku Kamekura | Japanese Industrial Posters | 1920's Japanese GD | Tadanori Yokoo | Design X

Read: What makes a good logo? / Hidden Meaning in Logos / Bad logo designs
Explore Google: LOGOBauhaus
Explore Spoof Ads www.adbusters.org

#2 CALLIGRAM Create a Calligram in Apollinaire's way.

#3 LOGO Design 5 different versions of own logo. Paragraph 175

#4 BUSINESS CARDS Design 5 business cards with your own logos ( two sided )

#5 GRADIENT MESH take a picture of a three-dimensional object in your room with your camera/phones, take a second picture of with that object (to prove it is yours) and then convert this object into vector shapes using gradient meshes. Bring the original AI files and the photos.

#6 POSTER Create a poster using your own image inspired by the examples shown in class and your own research using the automatic tracing tools.

• Look for Illustrator CC tutorials on the web and post the link of your three favorite tutorials on your blogs

The real world translated into a digital world. Adobe Photoshop. How to capture reality: digital cameras, scanners. How to alter that reality with a digital tool. RGB vs CMYK, resolution, DPI, print size vs. pixel size. Layers, tools, cropping, copying, pasting. Filters. Optimization of files, understanding compression via Saving for Web. PSD Vs TIFF Vs PNG Vs JPG Vs GIF Vs PDF. Particularities of file size, differences and unique features of each format

Atomic: Photoshop 1 / Photoshop 2 / Photoshop CC

GIMP Open Source alternative
MorphX Mac OSX / Winmorph PC

Fotoshop by Adobé
Evolution - DOVE
Bruno Metra & Laurence Jeanson

Grid art: Jo Hamilton / Evelyn Kasikov /

History of film compositing - from mattes to green screen
Civil war photos retouched in color
Animated paintings

History of Photoshop /
Color sampler / Retouching / Patch tool / History brush tool / Art History Brush tool / Background Eraser / Magic Eraser / Cutout and refine edges / Panoramics #1 #2 / Puppet Warp Tool / Content Aware Fill / Bristle Tip Brushes / 8 Bit Vs 16 Bit / PS 32 Bits Vs 64 Bits / What is RAM? / Smart Objects / Creating an image stack / Stack Mode / Optimizing your images / Curves / Pen tool + Filling or Stroke / Timeline animation (3D) / New Mesh from Grayscale / Content aware / Clipping Mask or Path /


#7 AUTOSCOPY: self portrait alteration. Scan your face at 72dpi and transform it into something you never knew of yourselves. Explore layer effects + PS filters

#8 SOMEWHERE: place yourselves in an environment where you have never been. I will be paying close attention to the cutting and cleaning details.

#9 ART PROJECT: choose your favorite painted portrait and combine yourselves with this painting.

#10 MORPHX : using the works of Irina Wernin as an inspiration, create one short MorphX animation of yourselves in two separate periods of your life

• Optimize all the assignments produced so far for this class, resize to maximum width or heigth of 800px. Recompress them as JPG (100%, 75%, 25% and 0%), PNG / Transparent PNG and GIF (256 - 128 - 16 and 2 dithered colors). Compare the original file and pixel sizes with the new sizes. Post them all in your Blogs • Look for Photoshop CC tutorials on the web and post the link of your three favorite tutorials on your blogs

Understanding Motion - Frame by frame animation. Animation tools in Photoshop. Norman McLaren: Neighbours, Blinkity Blank, White Stripes, Peter Gabriel, BLU, Brothers Quay, Japanese Popstars, TV SHOW, Broken Fingaz / Hudson / Eness / Varanese / Kinna GrannisMaking of / Fashion 1 / GifSoup / Shell / Stereoscopic Gifs / Dis 1 / Dis 2 / Bottle #2 /

Emile Cohl #1 #2
Winsor McCay Little Nemo / NEMO / Gertie
Walt Disney Steamboat Willie / Skeleton Dance
Felix the Cat History / Feline Folies 19 / Ghost / Skulls / Time
BLUBLU / student works: JSM, Memo, Travis, Maddox, Drake, KT
Cinemagraphs #2 #3 #4

#11 ANIMATION Create a 45 second minimum / 400x300px / 10fps / frame x frame animation using Photoshop. Export it as a QT video with Animation compression.

Understanding Audio. Audacity and GarageBand, audio frequencies and sampling rates, Nyquist Theorem, formats, compression.
Norman McLaren Pen Poin Percussion // link: History of Magnetic recording - BBC // Musique concrète #1 #2 Concrete // Theremin / Schaeffer Chemin de Fer 48 Psyché Rock / Stockhausen #2 / Ligeti / John Cage Paik 84 27 sounds / Xenakis, ScoreLight / Moog / Gershon Kingsley - Pop CornAnarchic System / { POST MODERNISM Gloria Jones - Soft Cell - Levi's / ABBAErasure / Donna SummerBronski Beat #2 } Kraftwerk MOMA Robots 74Autobahn 75 / Disco Patrick HdezFelix DHCatSylvester / Industrial 75 Throbbing Gristle • Cabaret Voltaire #1 79 #2Einstürzende Neubauten #2 #3 #4Front 242Nitzer Ebb • / Fad Gadget / Palais Schaumburg / Liaisons Dangereuses Joy Division #2 #3New Order (Philippe Decouflé) / EurhythmicsCulture ClubDOASmithsJ&M ChainStone RosesMassive AttackEBTG #2 - Deep DishStereolab #2 / Björk / Chemical Brothers / Daft Punk / Ladytron #2 #3 / UnderworldFluke / FaithlessRobert MilesDeleriumGorecki /// Electro Miss KittinFelix Da HousecatDopplereffektCrystal Castles #2Crystal FightersYelleDeadMau5 #2Grammys 12 • Dubstep Skrillex 1 2 / DUB FX <-> Queen Prophet's song // Vocaloid #1 #2 Miku Hatsune #2
#12 AUDIO Download AUDACITY and create the soundtrack for your animation, using loops and recordings of your own voice. You can also use Garageband if you have a Mac. The mix must contain YOUR OWN VOICE. Create sound effects and loops. Use a high quality 44.1KHz sampling rate.

Organizing and integrating the information on paper: InDesign. From the screen to reality. InDesign objects, control of text / image areas. Displaying information, flow of information. Rulers, guides. THE GRID! Optimizing files for the printed world, importing, organizing and categorizing. Collecting for output / printernational.org /

Master Pages / Gutter / Bleed / Slug / Image Wrapping / Gap tool / Pages and Spreads / Lorem Ipsum /

#13 MAGAZINE Design the cover and the back-cover of a magazine that would display your artwork and your passions. 300DPI / CMYK

#14 RESTAURANT MENU: Choose your favorite local restaurant. Borrow one of their menus, Radically redesign the menu so that it is totally unrecognizable from the original. Print a BW version of your menu for a final feedback session. After this session, print your final version of the menu. 300DPI / CMYK

#15 PERSONAL PORTFOLIO BOOKLET USING inDesign Create a 4.25x5.5" ( half letter ) 300dpi CMYK booklet featuring the artwork you created for this class. Every single project, including a cover, back-cover, index, and for the animation, a series of stills that would represent in the best possible way your time based projects ( even a screenshot of Garageband/Audacity)

Understanding Video - Digital vs Analog, compression, formats,Quicktime, H264, flv, youtube. Basic Final Cut pro usage.
Final cut Pro X: A / B / C / D / Transitions /

• Kuleshov #1 / #2
Carolina Zuluaga
Cold Cut - Timber / Cold Cut - Natural Rhythm
EBN1 + EBN2 + EBN3 + EBN4 + ObamaGaga

• Videoart
Nam June Paik, Peter Campus, Bill Viola #2, Pippilotti Rist, Gary Hill, The Residents, Chris Cunnigham, Michel Gondry, Marco Brambilla, Sculpture,

Colombian videoart
videoartes.com (fantastic examples)
#16 VIDEO Create a 1 minute video using your own images and any other footage you capture. The audio and he images MUST be manipulated in such a way that the original cannot be recognized. 360x240 30fps. Post the results in your blog ( using youtube or directly to the blog)